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March 04, 2005

Lift A Finger, Why Doncha

AIDS Set to Infect 90 Million Africans by 2025, according to a UN report.

The report makes an interesting point regarding why the campaign to stop HIV is coming up short:

"If by 2025 millions of African people are still becoming infected with HIV each year, these scenarios suggest that it will not be because there was no choice," the report said. "It will be because, collectively, there was insufficient political will to change behaviour at all levels from the institution, to the community, to the individual and halt the forces driving the Aids epidemic in Africa."

That's really what it comes down to. We could be doing a lot more on our own, there's no question about that. But aid for AIDS would come much easier if more African leaders really had the interests of their peoples in mind. If more African leaders made this issue their international rallying cry-- oh wait, taking the moral high ground would mean they'd have to stop stealing from everyone around them. Oops.

Posted by Ben at March 4, 2005 02:36 AM

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