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December 11, 2004

Now, from Tokyo

Woke up bright and (kinda) early and headed off to the National Museum, two Metro stops away, which apparantly is no longer free on the second Saturday of every month. At least University students are only 130 yen. Interesting things seen there included:
A sculpture called "Mountain Peak" (参上) depicting a man looking up.
Swords from the 10th century that were still 100% unrusted and SHARP. Those things must have taken forever to make.
A Kamakura-era sculpture, Seated Monk Yuiken, which I will find a picture of and post here.

Then Akihabara to buy an adapter and two copies of this, one for me and one for Karl. I ended up accusing the guy before me in line of counterfeiting because I didn't know about the new 1000 yen bill style. Oops.

The National Diet Library is so cool. It's not a library in the traditional sense. You get one of those EPROM cards to enter and then stick it in at a computer console, pull up the catalog record and then fill out a request form... and the book comes on a conveyor belt from HYPERSPACE and your card number pops up and you pick it up. CRAZY.

After the library closed, went to Tower Records and bought the new Susumu Hirasawa (Kaku P-Model) CD and wandered around Shibuya for a while.

Ben spent 1390 yen on food today. BOOYAW!
240: "Breakfast" at Lawson's (Chou cream and salmon onigiri)
650: Tendon at a salaryman joint near Ueno.
500: Dinner at McDonald's. They had a new croquette burger so I couldn't resist. Unfortunately it turned out to be way overly mayonnaisey. The cabbage was also infinitely inferior.

Posted by Ben at December 11, 2004 07:00 AM


The Ben is expanding. Danger to all.

Posted by: Nathaniel at December 11, 2004 07:20 AM

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